August 14, 2014

Brand Positioning On Social And Environmental Responsibility

August 14, 2014

Brand Positioning On Social And Environmental Responsibility


Branding is crucial for a business. When done well, it frames what consumers can expect from an offering. 

In the previous post, we talked about brands that focus on the niche market and geographical territoriesIn this blog post, learn about brands that position themselves on social and environmental responsibility.


Socially Responsible

Socially responsible

Toms Shoes, Conscious Step, and The Body Shop are all socially responsible brands that have positioned themselves accordingly.

This means that when consumers are deciding on a purchase they also feel a level of social reward in buying the product.


Environmentally Responsible

Environmentally -responsible

Brands may sell themselves as environmental advocates with their positioning. Persuading consumers they are environmentally friendly is an increasingly important factor, especially with chemical or non-renewable products that affect buyer behaviour.

While brands often overstate the environmental pull, when performance and price are comparable, the value of 'enviro' can be a real differentiator.

Up next, learn about brands that position themselves on personal expression and enrichment.


This is the fifth post in the series Brand Positioning Territories.

Editor’s note: This article has been updated for relevance and freshness.



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