The Step Change Blog

The latest thinking on business, strategy, marketing and sales

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July 24, 2024

Knowledge Nuggets: 11 Team Productivity Issues You Can Solve With Scrum

Business Strategy, Artificial Intelligence, Marketing Strategy, Decision Making, Business Growth, Knowledge Nuggets, Scrum, Team Efficiency, Alignment, Lean Principles, Strategy Frameworks, High Performing Teams, Agile, Strategic Planning, Smart Decision System, Exclusive Interview

In this blog article, learn how you can lead more collaborative, consensus-based decision making with your team.

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May 30, 2024

Marketing Budget: How Much Should You Spend on Marketing?

Predatory Marketing, Business Strategy, Branding, Marketing Strategy, Decision Making, Business Growth, Challenger Brands, Alignment, Brand Building, Strategy Frameworks, Brand Positioning, Measures That Matter, Strategic Planning, Brand Saliency

Let’s be honest, budgeting isn’t always fun.

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November 22, 2023

4 Smart Ways to Speed Up Your Sales Cycle Effectively

B2B Sales, Sales, Decision Making, Marketing Automation, Alignment, Brand Positioning, Sales Strategy, Marketing Funnel

Convert sales-qualified leads to real customers effectively using these four tips.

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January 16, 2023

Funnel Metrics: 5 Steps to Link Your Marketing and Sales

Customer Journey, Business Strategy, Marketing Strategy, Business Growth, Alignment, Conversion, Sales Strategy, Marketing Funnel

It’s easy to think that marketing and sales are completely different functions of a business. But both share a common denominator of engaging customers and integrating the value you offer into their lives. 

That said, every business needs customers. Not just any customer, though — but ones you can serve and who can get behind your product or service offering. When done right, sales-informed marketing can be a catalyst in delivering more qualified customers and optimising a customer journey that makes them stay and buy more. But with the nuances of sales and marketing, how do you know which aspects are relevant to the other? This is where the Funnel Metrics tool comes in.

Insight: When marketing and sales come together, they deliver the right customers suitable for businesses to thrive.

Data: Organisations with a service level agreement (SLA) between marketing and sales are three times as likely to be effective. (Hubspot)

Key Action Point: Utilise the Funnel Metrics to master the key pieces of information needed to align marketing with sales efforts and deliver more qualified customers.


WATCH: Let Step Change CEO Ashton Bishop walk you through the Funnel Metrics tool.

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September 25, 2020

Navigating Complexity: 5 Scenario Planning Mistakes & How To Stop Them

Business Strategy, Ashton Bishop, Marketing Strategy, Decision Making, Creativity, Culture & Leadership, Scenario Planning, Alignment

Learn about the scenario planning mistakes and how you can prevent them from misfiring your strategy so you can navigate complexity efficiently.

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