In our last post we looked at some of the big brand companies and how they are leveraging crowd sourcing to improve their business.
In this post we introduce a collection of innovation and evaluation tools that will help you identify opportunities around people, product, process and communication.
Innovation Tools
If you’re after brainstorm tools we have another book called “Collaborative Creativity”.
Visit us here to find out more.
With the following collection of tools we have included one brainstorm tool around innovation called SCAMPER.
SCAMPER is a checklist of idea-spurring questions.
- Isolate the challenge or subject you want to think about.
- Ask questions about each step of the challenge or subject and see what new ideas emerge.
SCAMPER: An Example:
Think of a spoon
SCAMPER: Adapt something to it
SCAMPER: Magnify it
SCAMPER: Modify it
SCAMPER: Put it to some other use
SCAMPER: Eliminate something
SCAMPER: Reverse it
SCAMPER: Rearrange it
Parameter Analysis
Before you innovate you need to know where you’re at. Use this tool to do an audit around what is “fixed”, “flexible” and “inconvenient” around your brand.
Sensory Overload
Future Casting Ideas Generation
This tool looks at different origin points for innovation, allowing you to project potential ideas for future commercial gain.
The Idea Generator, Ken Hudson 2007
Process Review
Consider any processes greater than 2 years old and how they could be radically improved.
Using Experience to Drive Innovation
This is a technique that is used for innovation steering committees to draw out relevant experiences which can overcome challenges or capitalise on opportunities.
Source: Young President Organisation
Innovation Platforms
Use this tool to identify opportunities or areas for your business to innovate in.
The Phoenix Checklist
The Phoenix Checklist is a checklist developed by the CIA to get their agents thinking about ways to solve a problem – great to apply to your business:
The Problem
The Plan
Six Thinking Hats by Edward de Bono
Evaluation Methods
Potential Impact Plotting
You can use this chart to evaluate the potential impact your idea might have over the short, medium and long term.
“Yes” Reasons
When assessing innovation it’s important to see what might be possible even though there will undoubtedly be many hurdles and obstacles. This tool helps you predict possible blockades before they occur.
In our next post we'll discuss the advertising cycle and why the emotional mind is so important in the decision making process.