The Step Change Blog

The latest thinking on business, strategy, marketing and sales

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April 30, 2020

Knowledge Nuggets: Good Strategy/Bad Strategy

Business Strategy, Ashton Bishop, Knowledge Nuggets

Before attempting any significant endeavour, you should always have a strategy. Having developed one you should always ensure that is achievable. There has been a myriad of companies that have implemented strategies that have turned out to be less than successful. The fact is that many companies are unaware that they are implementing bad strategies.

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April 22, 2020

Knowledge Nuggets: Thinking, Fast and Slow

Business Strategy, Ashton Bishop, Knowledge Nuggets


Thinking Fast and Slow


Have you ever wondered how your mind works? Have you ever desired to improve your judgement and decision making skills? In this week’s Knowledge Nugget, let’s delve into Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman.

The author Daniel Kahneman is a renowned psychologist and Nobel Prize Winner. And in his seminal work, Thinking Fast and Slow, he analyses the two modes of thought and how they affect our judgement and decision making. 

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April 15, 2020

Knowledge Nuggets: The 4 Disciplines of Execution

Business Strategy, Ashton Bishop, Knowledge Nuggets, Sean Covey, Execution, Disciplines

UPDATED as of 28 August 2020

The 4 Disciplines of Execution


Plans and strategies may change. Behaviours, however, not so much. At least, not as quickly. It is important to understand that good execution is not only a condition of knowledge and skill, but it is also a condition of the will. 

How do you, as an organisation, move forward as a team when goals are already challenging enough on your own? The key lies in two words— first principles.



In this special interview, the 4 Disciplines of Execution co-author Sean Covey expertly delivers insights and anecdotes on:

  • The 4 Disciplines in a nutshell
  • How purpose and discipline affect your execution
  • Sustaining your Wildly Important Goal even in the midst of chaos
  • What successful organisations are doing right and what others are getting wrong
Watch the full interview now.

Too often history shows that a good strategy fails to deliver a productive outcome in terms of the bottomline. Strategy and execution are in a word— inseparable. They are the two sides of the same coin. In order to successfully execute on your goals, you need focus.

One thing you already know about acting on a great idea is the fact that chaos will be involved. It is very easy to lose focus when you have to wade through a quagmire of priorities and goals daily. As teams lose focus, they eventually lose power, which is why you need a game plan.

In this week's Knowledge Nuggets, let us take a look at the 4 Disciplines of Execution by authors Chris McChesney, Sean Covey and Jim Huling, who address the issue of what constitutes the disciplines of excellence in execution of strategy.

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April 9, 2020

Experience Disruptors

Business Strategy, Ashton Bishop, Customer Centricity

When it comes to running a business, it is important that you stand above the competition. And in the dog-eat-dog business world it is no longer enough to just offer great products. It is also necessary to take your customer’s comfort into account. 

What’s the use of having the best tech and services if your customers can’t get a hold of your product in the most efficient way possible? Or if they do get the product, it becomes a struggle to have it repaired or returned. This is where Experience Disruptors come in.

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April 7, 2020

Knowledge Nuggets: Scrum

Business Strategy, Ashton Bishop, Knowledge Nuggets, Scrum, Team Efficiency

Developing Team Efficiency


UPDATED: Change continues to unravel itself daily. Whether it’s premeditated like a goal you’ve been meaning to achieve or something that’s caught you by surprise such as a pandemic– the truth that change will always be with us still remains.

The choice between simply managing change and leading change, however, makes all the difference.





In a special interview, Scrum Co-author J.J. Sutherland talks about:

  • The importance of embracing change and using it for growth
  • How Scrum-oriented organisations are faring in the midst of drastic change
  • The value of happiness and connection among teams in relation to productivity
  • His new book The Scrum Fieldbook: Faster Performance. Better Results. Starting Now.  
  • Whether you are setting up a small business or running a multi-million dollar company, team efficiency is what sets you up for success.

In this week’s Knowledge Nugget, let us take a closer look at Scrum by Jeff and JJ Sutherland. 

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April 1, 2020

Knowledge Nuggets: Switch

Business Strategy, Ashton Bishop, Knowledge Nuggets

Understanding different aspects of human behaviour is crucial to every strategy. In this week’s Knowledge Nugget, we’ll take a closer look at Switch by Chip Heath & Dan Heath.

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March 23, 2020

Knowledge Nuggets: The Fourth Industrial Revolution

Business Strategy, Ashton Bishop, Knowledge Nuggets

How are today's technologies and current trends shaping and changing the world we live in, and how is it impacting today's businesses?

In this week’s Knowledge Nuggets, we’re covering The Fourth Industrial Revolution by Klaus Schwab, chairman of the World Economic Forum. 

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March 5, 2020

Dual Transformation: The 5 Key Concepts Behind Business Transformation

Business Strategy, Ashton Bishop, Knowledge Nuggets, Dual Transformation, Mark W. Johnson

UPDATED as of 10 July 2020

In a special interview with Step Change, Dual Transformation co-author Mark W. Johnson shares valuable insight for businesses looking to reposition themselves in this new normal while creating the future ahead of them.



The business model innovation and new growth strategy expert also discusses:

  • The A+B+C model business seeking transformation and momentum should adapt
  • What successful businesses are doing right and what others are getting wrong in their transformation journey
  • The importance of having a vision and a hands-on approach to leadership

Watch the video now.


Disruption is imminent, and organisations must find a way to be more resilient as they step forward into growth and implement their transformation efforts.

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January 17, 2020

What Goes On in Business Strategy and Value Proposition Intensives?

Business Strategy

Step Change works with some of Australia’s largest and fastest-growing businesses to effectively communicate business strategy and market insights from the bottom up. 

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January 7, 2020

Top 10 Articles C-Suites Read in the Step Change Blog [2019 Edition]

Business Strategy, Step Change, Branding, Marketing Strategy, Culture & Leadership, Fintech, Marketing Automation

The new year is here! And as we venture forward with fresh business insights and useful strategy, here are the top 10 articles most popular with C-suites in 2019 that you may have missed. 

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December 26, 2019

Addressing the Synergy Problem in Procurement Teams and Marketing Agencies

Business Strategy, Marketing Strategy

Many companies today are opting for procurement to manage their marketing spend. But marketers and agencies have always been at odds when it comes to procurement. Understanding the role that procurement plays and how it impacts marketing is crucial to not only save on costs but to pave the way for better alignment in achieving the brand’s vision.

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December 20, 2019

Customer-Centricity Is the New Governance Imperative

Business Strategy, Board

Customer-centricity used to be something that the marketing department was responsible for. But in the Age of the Customer, it needs to be at the heart of the business, which then ripples right through every department — from operations to marketing, sales, management, legal, and compliance.

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October 11, 2019

What Would Genghis Khan Do During a Recession?

Business Strategy, History's Greatest Strategists

The latest economic figures released by the Bureau of Statistics show that the Australian economy is slowing down. What can businesses do to thrive in a recession? We turn to one of history’s greatest strategists and a ruthless warrior, Genghis Khan.

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October 5, 2019

Beat Your Competitors at Disruptive Innovation

Business Strategy

Many Australian companies are complacent about the effect of disruption in their industries. But disruption today can displace market leaders, their products, and their services. Responding to disruption means businesses need to think fast and act fast.

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September 24, 2019

What Makes a Good Business Strategy?

Business Strategy, Marketing Strategy

There’s a need for strategy because time, dollars, and focus are scarce and limited resources. A strong business strategy is the application of these resources for maximum leverage.

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August 9, 2019

What Is Customer-Led Transformation?

Business Strategy, Customer Centricity, Transformation

There’s no getting around it. Today’s consumers hold the power to dictate business outcomes. But with more businesses struggling with their digital transformation initiatives, how can taking a customer-led approach to transformation lead to better results? 

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August 6, 2019

How to Reach the Next Funding Stage for Your Business

Business Strategy, Business Growth

Even with the best ideas to market, many challenger businesses are struggling to get their business from the ground up. But if you’re lucky enough to be one of the very few startups that receive Venture Capital funding, the next step is knowing how to maintain your competitive edge for the next funding round.

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June 28, 2019

Customer Value Proposition for Retail: How to Turn Browsers to Buyers

Business Strategy, Retail

Retailers are killing value. With consumers having more choices than ever before, mistakes that retailers make can be costly.

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May 24, 2019

What Good Business Strategy Means to a Board

Business Strategy

UPDATED as of 03 July 2020.

Boards are essential for strategic success, but for them to add greater value into your strategy, they need to be involved. That means going beyond the yearly off-site strategic planning.

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May 10, 2019

Brand Building: Your Guide To Distinctive vs Differentiated Brands

Business Strategy, Ashton Bishop, Branding, Marketing Strategy, Challenger Brands, Brand Building, Differentiation, Distinctive Brand

UPDATED: As of 25 August 2022

Should brands aim to be different or distinctive? What is the difference between the two, and how do these strategies add value to the branding equation? We take a closer look at shared evidence and form our own conclusions on why distinctiveness stumps differentiation.

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April 26, 2019

How Madonna Would Have Handled the Financial Services Royal Commission

Business Strategy, Finance, Marketing Strategy

Australian banks and financial institutions are losing the faith of the consumer. It isn’t a problem of regulation or profit alone. It’s a problem of public perception.

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April 23, 2019

Integrated Campaigns Deliver 1.5x more Value

Business Strategy, Marketing Strategy, The Big 6 Challenges

UPDATED as of 03 July 2020.

Whether it’s launching a new product line, executing a brand awareness or implementing your internal comms strategy, there is one thing we know that’s certain: collaboration and integration across multiple teams are keys to get the job done and get results. But this is not always easy.

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April 11, 2019

How to Increase Your Customer Lifetime Value and Gain Revenue

Business Strategy, Marketing Strategy, Customer Centricity

Customer lifetime value is a critical factor in business success, but not all companies are tracking it. Many companies do not measure it, do not know what it is, or choose to completely ignore it.

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March 15, 2019

Productisation: How to Market the Intangible

Business Strategy, Marketing Strategy

How do you describe “insurance” or  “healthcare” or “software” so your potential clients can grasp the value of something they can’t see?

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February 14, 2019

Developing a Robust Innovation Pipeline that Powers Growth

Business Strategy, Innovation

Building an innovation pipeline means curating inspiration as a renewable resource. To accomplish this, you need to develop a system that both drives and supports an innovative culture.

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February 8, 2019

Marketing Automation: Steps to Get Effective Sales Buy-In

Business Strategy, Digital, Marketing Automation

If marketing automation is a great tool for businesses, how do we build an airtight business case for it? And how can we get our stakeholders and the sales team on board?

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January 15, 2019

Aged Care Providers Need to Communicate Their Purpose

Business Strategy, Marketing Strategy, Aged Care

There have been a number of significant changes over the recent years along with a new set of challenges that the aged care sector is facing — from deregulation, the Royal Commission, and shifts in customer preferences. As a result, aged care providers need to find new ways to stand out and gain the trust of their potential customers.   

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December 11, 2018

Step Change Blog's 10 Most Popular Articles in 2018

Business Strategy, Step Change, Marketing Strategy, Digital

To wrap up a productive 2018, we’re rounding up our best articles that have hit a spot with many C-suites, Senior Executives, and Marketing professionals.

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December 7, 2018

Step Change’s Growth Highlights in 2018

Business Strategy, Step Change, Marketing Strategy, Creativity, Digital

The best solutions arise at the intersection of strategy and creativity.

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November 19, 2018

AI and Machine Learning Tools that Help Level the Playing Field for SMBs

Business Strategy, Disruption, Digital

No matter where you look, industry giants like Google, Apple, and Amazon are dominating the disruptive space and taking the lead in the use of emerging technologies. But for small and mid-sized business challengers, does taking on today’s new technologies actually make a difference?

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