The Step Change Blog

The latest thinking on business, strategy, marketing and sales

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October 19, 2022

Insight Hunters EP1: Distinguishing Between Good and Right Ideas

Ashton Bishop, Better Questions, Norman Chorn, Better Insights, Ideation Process

Welcome to the first episode of Insight Hunters with Dr Norman and Detective Flash! Ready to ask better questions to unlock better insights?

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October 19, 2022

Knowledge Nuggets: How Minds Change

Better World, Ashton Bishop, Marketing Strategy, Decision Making, Productivity, Knowledge Nuggets, Leadership, Team Efficiency

Have you ever tried to change someone’s mind? Have you ever found someone trying to change your mind? And how did these experiences go? Like it or not, many of life’s interactions are but replays of these two scenarios — only with different choices and characters.

Sure, influence and persuasion are must-haves in every leader’s toolbox. But have you ever looked beyond your agenda and asked yourself — wait, how do minds change? And how does this shape the world that we live in today?

That’s exactly what journalist and self-proclaimed psychology nerd David McRaney did in his book “How Minds Change: The Surprising Science of Belief, Opinion, and Persuasion”.

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September 22, 2022

Knowledge Nuggets: Life in Half a Second

Success Principles, Business Strategy, Personal Growth, Ashton Bishop, Knowledge Nuggets

When it comes to success, there's already so much content based on opinion. But what if there was a proven path to success based on science and research? Join us as we dive deep into Complexica CEO Matthew Michalewicz’s fact-based formula for success in his book, Life in Half a Second

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March 18, 2022

3 Reasons Why the Future of Business Is Green

Marketing Strategy

The world has embraced the truth about how finite our natural resources are. In the real-estate world, professionals from architects to engineers to property managers know that there’s a huge opportunity for businesses to address this concern.

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February 10, 2022

5 Elements You Need to Create a Powerful Value Proposition

Predatory Marketing, Branding, Popular Posts, Value Proposition

UPDATED: As of 2 June 2022

When creating your value proposition, one thing you should never forget is that people make emotional decisions and then rational justifications. They are not buying the product or service. They are buying the benefits or outcomes they receive.

A truly great value proposition focuses on this by including these 3 things to get maximum value:

  1. Ground in insight and an understanding of what your customers really want
  2. Powerful and relevant brand messaging 
  3. Alignment with your purpose and tone to be memorable and believable
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December 8, 2021

The 3 Absolute Essentials of Good Strategy

Business Strategy, Marketing Strategy, Knowledge Nuggets

3 Essentials of Strategy

Strategy is often hard to define, which makes it all the more difficult to distinguish what actually constitutes a good strategy.

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July 5, 2021

What Are Brand Archetypes? How Do They Power the World’s Most Memorable Brands?

Step Change, Branding, Brand Archetypes, Popular Posts

Discover the 12 famous archetypes and how they can make your brand top-of-mind for your consumers.

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July 2, 2021

Why Do Strategic Plans Fail? 5 Mistakes And How To Counter Them

Business Strategy, Marketing Strategy

UPDATED: As of 4 May 2022

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April 7, 2021

6 Things No One Has Told You about Culture

manifesto, Marketing Strategy, Culture & Leadership

Unless you’ve been running your business under a rock, you would know that businesses today are operating in a VUCA environment. In this context, it’s the quick-thinking, action-oriented, and strategic organisations that win. Those that produce strategic documents and leave them in a bottom drawer — well, they come second or simply fail to finish.

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March 9, 2021

An Effective Framework for Strategic Decision-Making

Decision Making, Culture & Leadership

Companies do not come to faster decisions by osmosis — it is always the result of a better decision-making framework.In agile organisations, the ability to make nimble decisions lead to 2.5x the growth, twice the profit, and a 30% higher ROI on investments.

How can you unlock your ability to make better, smarter decisions?

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February 17, 2021

6 Key Principles for Creating Lightning Strike Moments: Exponential Marketing

Business Strategy, Ashton Bishop, Marketing Strategy, Decision Making, Creativity, exponential marketing

Learn about the scenario planning mistakes and how you can prevent them from misfiring your strategy so you can navigate complexity efficiently.

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January 13, 2021

History’s Greatest Strategists: Henry Ford

Business Strategy, History's Greatest Strategists, Leadership, Culture, Henry Ford

The more specific we can be about our category, the better chance we have to be remembered and related to by our customers. Are you in the right category?

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January 11, 2021

5 of Your Favourite Step Change Articles from 2020

Business Strategy, Ashton Bishop, Step Change, Branding, Marketing Strategy, Bendy Phones, Powerful Presence, Culture & Leadership, Fintech, Marketing Automation
After successfully navigating a year of unparalleled change and disruption, now is the time to look ahead and venture into 2021 with confidence.
As we distill fresh business insights and build a refined strategy, we thought it would be worthwhile to look back at the year that was 2020, through the eyes of our Step Change Blog highlights.
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September 25, 2020

Navigating Complexity: 5 Scenario Planning Mistakes & How To Stop Them

Business Strategy, Ashton Bishop, Marketing Strategy, Decision Making, Creativity, Culture & Leadership, Scenario Planning, Alignment

Learn about the scenario planning mistakes and how you can prevent them from misfiring your strategy so you can navigate complexity efficiently.

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June 26, 2020

History’s Greatest Strategists: Mahatma Gandhi

Business Strategy, History's Greatest Strategists, Leadership, Mahatma Gandhi, Culture

The more specific we can be about our category, the better chance we have to be remembered and related to by our customers. Are you in the right category?

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June 19, 2020

History’s Greatest Strategists: Dame Anita Roddick

Business Strategy, History's Greatest Strategists, Business Growth, Dame Anita Roddick, The Body Shop

The more specific we can be about our category, the better chance we have to be remembered and related to by our customers. Are you in the right category?

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June 12, 2020

The 4 Executive Modes: Which One Are You?

Business Strategy, Ashton Bishop, Culture & Leadership

UPDATE: In a special event, Dr Chris Shambrook of PlanetK2 delivers a masterclass on performance– drawing inspiration from the perspective of Leader, Manager, Mentor and Coach, or what is collectively known as the Four Executive Modes. 

In this interview, the master-coach, author and speaker walks the Step Change community through how business leaders can drive more value into their interactions by moving between these modes. He also talks about the lead indicators of performance, what performance looks like regardless of the mode, and emphasises the appropriate human connection and social support required from industry leaders.

Watch the full video here.

In these times of great change and uncertainty, it is very important that we adapt and utilise the opportunities and resources at our disposal the best we can. This is especially true for industry leaders because every decision has the potential to make or break your organisation.

To begin, you will need to fully define your role as an executive within your organisation by understanding the 4 Executive Modes namely– Leader, Manager, Mentor and Coach

Clearly defining these modes will allow you to understand and seamlessly move between these roles, propelling your organisation to even greater heights.

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May 21, 2020

History’s Greatest Strategists: Che Guevara

Marketing Strategy, History's Greatest Strategists

The more specific we can be about our category, the better chance we have to be remembered and related to by our customers. Are you in the right category?

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May 14, 2020

Knowledge Nuggets Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion

Business Strategy, Ashton Bishop, Knowledge Nuggets

UPDATED: In this exclusive interview, foundational expert and pioneering authority in the field of influence and persuasion Dr Robert Cialdini sits down with Step Change to dive into his book “Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion” — the bestselling and groundbreaking guide to getting that 'yes!'.

From the sustained interest in the Influence factors, and the addition of the Unity principle, to the implications of machine learning and AI in persuasion and more — learn exclusive and fresh insights from Dr Robert Cialdini himself by watching the full interview below:



Wondering how to leverage your influence at a time of great change? Get Dr Robert Cialdini’s latest book “Influence, New and Expanded: The Psychology of Persuasion” — featuring new research, new insights, new examples, and online applications.

Never miss an update and be the first to get influence and persuasion insights by connecting with Dr Robert Cialdini via

Swaying someone to your point of view takes skill. The same can be said when it comes to selling a product — making the power of persuasion a potent tool that should be honed to a fine point.

In this week’s Knowledge Nuggets, let us take a look at the widely adopted classic Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion. 

With over 5 million copies sold worldwide, Dr. Robert B. Cialdini explains the psychology of why people say ‘yes’, the principles behind the power of persuasion, and how to apply these principles ethically — not only in marketing strategy but in everyday situations.

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May 12, 2020

History’s Greatest Strategists: Bill Gates

Marketing Strategy, History's Greatest Strategists

The more specific we can be about our category, the better chance we have to be remembered and related to by our customers. Are you in the right category?

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May 8, 2020

Knowledge Nuggets: Delivering Happiness

Business Strategy, Ashton Bishop, Knowledge Nuggets

According to Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh, the key to running a successful business is happiness. By developing happiness habits, embracing a happy work-life, and prioritising your customer's happiness, Tony believes businesses can succeed. For this week’s Knowledge Nuggets, let’s explore the book Delivering Happiness and learn to live lives full of purpose, passion, and profits. 

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May 7, 2020

History’s Greatest Strategists: Sun Tzu

Marketing Strategy, History's Greatest Strategists

The more specific we can be about our category, the better chance we have to be remembered and related to by our customers. Are you in the right category?

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April 30, 2020

Knowledge Nuggets: Good Strategy/Bad Strategy

Business Strategy, Ashton Bishop, Knowledge Nuggets

Before attempting any significant endeavour, you should always have a strategy. Having developed one you should always ensure that is achievable. There has been a myriad of companies that have implemented strategies that have turned out to be less than successful. The fact is that many companies are unaware that they are implementing bad strategies.

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April 23, 2020

History’s Greatest Strategists: Arnold Schwarzenegger

Marketing Strategy, History's Greatest Strategists

The more specific we can be about our category, the better chance we have to be remembered and related to by our customers. Are you in the right category?

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April 22, 2020

Knowledge Nuggets: Thinking, Fast and Slow

Business Strategy, Ashton Bishop, Knowledge Nuggets


Thinking Fast and Slow


Have you ever wondered how your mind works? Have you ever desired to improve your judgement and decision making skills? In this week’s Knowledge Nugget, let’s delve into Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman.

The author Daniel Kahneman is a renowned psychologist and Nobel Prize Winner. And in his seminal work, Thinking Fast and Slow, he analyses the two modes of thought and how they affect our judgement and decision making. 

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April 17, 2020

History’s Greatest Strategists: Admiral Horatio Nelson

Marketing Strategy, History's Greatest Strategists

The more specific we can be about our category, the better chance we have to be remembered and related to by our customers. Are you in the right category?

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April 15, 2020

Knowledge Nuggets: The 4 Disciplines of Execution

Business Strategy, Ashton Bishop, Knowledge Nuggets, Sean Covey, Execution, Disciplines

UPDATED as of 28 August 2020

The 4 Disciplines of Execution


Plans and strategies may change. Behaviours, however, not so much. At least, not as quickly. It is important to understand that good execution is not only a condition of knowledge and skill, but it is also a condition of the will. 

How do you, as an organisation, move forward as a team when goals are already challenging enough on your own? The key lies in two words— first principles.



In this special interview, the 4 Disciplines of Execution co-author Sean Covey expertly delivers insights and anecdotes on:

  • The 4 Disciplines in a nutshell
  • How purpose and discipline affect your execution
  • Sustaining your Wildly Important Goal even in the midst of chaos
  • What successful organisations are doing right and what others are getting wrong
Watch the full interview now.

Too often history shows that a good strategy fails to deliver a productive outcome in terms of the bottomline. Strategy and execution are in a word— inseparable. They are the two sides of the same coin. In order to successfully execute on your goals, you need focus.

One thing you already know about acting on a great idea is the fact that chaos will be involved. It is very easy to lose focus when you have to wade through a quagmire of priorities and goals daily. As teams lose focus, they eventually lose power, which is why you need a game plan.

In this week's Knowledge Nuggets, let us take a look at the 4 Disciplines of Execution by authors Chris McChesney, Sean Covey and Jim Huling, who address the issue of what constitutes the disciplines of excellence in execution of strategy.

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April 9, 2020

Experience Disruptors

Business Strategy, Ashton Bishop, Customer Centricity

When it comes to running a business, it is important that you stand above the competition. And in the dog-eat-dog business world it is no longer enough to just offer great products. It is also necessary to take your customer’s comfort into account. 

What’s the use of having the best tech and services if your customers can’t get a hold of your product in the most efficient way possible? Or if they do get the product, it becomes a struggle to have it repaired or returned. This is where Experience Disruptors come in.

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April 7, 2020

Knowledge Nuggets: Scrum

Business Strategy, Ashton Bishop, Knowledge Nuggets, Scrum, Team Efficiency

Developing Team Efficiency


UPDATED: Change continues to unravel itself daily. Whether it’s premeditated like a goal you’ve been meaning to achieve or something that’s caught you by surprise such as a pandemic– the truth that change will always be with us still remains.

The choice between simply managing change and leading change, however, makes all the difference.





In a special interview, Scrum Co-author J.J. Sutherland talks about:

  • The importance of embracing change and using it for growth
  • How Scrum-oriented organisations are faring in the midst of drastic change
  • The value of happiness and connection among teams in relation to productivity
  • His new book The Scrum Fieldbook: Faster Performance. Better Results. Starting Now.  
  • Whether you are setting up a small business or running a multi-million dollar company, team efficiency is what sets you up for success.

In this week’s Knowledge Nugget, let us take a closer look at Scrum by Jeff and JJ Sutherland. 

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April 1, 2020

Knowledge Nuggets: Switch

Business Strategy, Ashton Bishop, Knowledge Nuggets

Understanding different aspects of human behaviour is crucial to every strategy. In this week’s Knowledge Nugget, we’ll take a closer look at Switch by Chip Heath & Dan Heath.

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